Welcome to DEMES de Monterrey

We offer strategic planning and commercial/marketing business Services.
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About Us

DEMES de MONTERREY was born in 1999 as a consulting firm specializing in strategic planning and commercial/marketing business areas. Later we expanded our range of knowledge and skills as a real estate developer in the Monterrey and Reynosa area.

Today we are at the service of our clients and alliances (both commercial and operational) in order to offer them a personalized service so as to solve their needs with first-hand attention.

Whether you are looking to invest in real estate developments, require a tailored property or want to collaborate on a project by providing land, at DEMES de Monterrey we have the skills and experience to make your ideas via a project and make them reality.

Get in touch today for a consultation.

Our Services

Grafica de crecimiento


• Strategic planning
• Commercial
• Business development
• Administration and finance

Real Estate Developments

• Custom projects / Built to Suit
• Property Investments
• Personalized service

Desarrollo Inmobilario


Desarrollo Inmobiliario Río

Plaza Girasoles

Comisiones Y Servicios Alfa

Longitud 100

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©2024 All Rights Reserved DEMES de Monterrey | Developed by F. Velarde